statistical estimation

英 [stəˈtɪstɪkl ˌestɪˈmeɪʃn] 美 [stəˈtɪstɪkl ˌestɪˈmeɪʃn]




  1. Statistical Estimation of Artificial Precipitation Enhancement Effectiveness in Beijing in 2006
  2. But as the radiometer on the Chinese FY-1 satellite has only one infrared window channel, Satellite Meteorology Center has to develop a statistical estimation method.
  3. The purpose of OD investigations is to make statistical estimation of the average value of the samples based on the OD data obtained.
  4. Statistical estimation inversion of gravity anomaly and its application
  5. Estimation of PMP includes such methods as generalized estimation, local storm maximization, storm transposition, storm combination, ratiocination model and statistical estimation.
  6. Aiming at the centralized structure of multi-sensor tracking system, the optimal weighting coefficients are obtained using statistical estimation and stochastic approximation, from which it is concluded that sensor fusion has no effect on common measurements noise.
  7. Use of Excel in Statistical Estimation
  8. Statistical estimation formula of irrational number e is constructed by famous Matching Experiment and the estimation ′ s properties are discussed in this paper.
  9. Statistical learning theory is a newly developed theory for studying the statistical estimation and prediction problem based on small number of samples. It studies the nature of machine learning, so more and more people are interested in it.
  10. The proposed algorithm consists of two main parts: the first part involves a periodic statistical estimation of the model parameters using the moment and cumulant; the second part involves the estimated parameters in restoring the true image by a winner filter.
  11. Based on analog Monte Carlo simulation, statistical Monte Carlo methods for unreliable evaluation of highly reliable system are constructed, including direct statistical estimation Monte Carlo method and weighted statistical estimation Monte Carlo method.
  12. Distributions for the statistical estimation of extreme responses are considered by using the principle of extreme value statistics. The results show that the Gumbel distribution fits well to the value of responses in condition of linear stiffness of mooring line system.
  13. Application of Statistical Estimation in Study of Probable Maximum Precipitation
  14. The statistical estimation is made for calculating the economic losses directly and indirectly caused by the earthquake;
  15. An improved statistical estimation of PMP, km value method, is proposed.
  16. Blind Signal Separation Based on Statistical Estimation
  17. Statistical Estimation Method of Irrational Number e
  18. The technique of zoning and grouping method, together with the simple weighted approach and the technique of statistical estimation method were used in the simulating procedure.
  19. The Statistical Estimation of the Proper Interval of Money Supply of China
  20. This article expounds several methods on statistical estimation in linear models and their advantage or disadvantage.
  21. The software estimation makes statistical estimation on the software size of a project.
  22. The Statistical Estimation Method of GIS Overlay Uncertainty
  23. Study of scattering of plane wave through discrete random medium by direct analogue and statistical estimation
  24. Ensemble data assimilation is at the intersection of ensemble forecasting methodologies and relatively independently developed data assimilation based on the theory of statistical estimation.
  25. This article presents an improved Sage and Husa noise statistical estimator and relevant adaptable Kalman filter based on white noise filter. This algorithm can handle problems of unknown parameters and constantly changed noise statistical estimation, and enhance the precision.
  26. The characteristic is the application of the principle of statistical test and statistical estimation brings a more reasonable and simple result.
  27. However, the expected data is unknown, need to be statistical estimation, therefore, these data would not be without error.
  28. And then, on that basis using statistical estimation it analyses the calculation of the lower confidence limits of the reliability in the Weibull distribution.
  29. Statistical Learning Theory has been regarded as one of the best theories for small samples statistical estimation and learning. However, it is difficult to deal with the problems when suffer from fuzzy complex random samples for it is based on real-valued random samples on the probability space.
  30. There are two main research contents; one is the classical statistical estimation method for model parameter, such as maximum likelihood estimator, least square estimator and its weighted form, linear unbiased estimator and minimum norm estimator.